Resources: Babari Mosque Destruction
Please read this article written by M R Shamsad from Indian Express: https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/ayodhya-ram-mandir-babri-masjid-demolition-national-shame-to-pride-of-nation-6539270/
Please read this article written by M R Shamsad from Indian Express: https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/ayodhya-ram-mandir-babri-masjid-demolition-national-shame-to-pride-of-nation-6539270/
South Asia Group PLANS PROTESTS AGAINST celebrating building of temple after demolishing Babari mosque South Asian Group plans protests against Lord Ram billboards in NY.
URGENT ACTION ALERT *Hold Hershey’s accountable for running Hindutva’s Ram Temple advertisements in Times Square. Demand that they take down the ads immediately and not
ImanNet Appeal for Urgent Action Action Alert 8/2020 Dr Shaik Ubaid, the president of Indian Minorities Advocacy Network, ImanNet has issued an urgent appeal on
August 3, 2020 Contact person: Muhammad Bajabar Tel: (516) 567-0783 Hindutva supporters of Ram temple suffer defeat in Times Square, New York A coalition of American
ImanNet Appeal for Urgent Action Action Alert 7/2020 Dr Shaik Ubaid, the president of Indian Minorities Advocacy Network, ImanNet has issued an urgent appeal on
Media Coverage of NY Times Square Protest The following is the media coverage of the NY Times Square protest Two Circleshttp://twocircles.net/2020aug07/438480.html Media Vigil (News Story)http://www.mediavigil.com/news/big-protest-against-communalism-in-india-in-newyork-at-times-square/
The Coalition to Stop Genocide in India (SGI) *, a broad coalition of Indian Americans and US based civil rights organizations and activists, condemns the
Broad coalition seeks to highlight massive human rights abuses of the Hindu nationalist organizations in India and the pernicious threat of their front organizations operating in the US
Lord Ram is a mythological figure with no historical evidence of his actual existence. The birthplace of Ram is being claimed by dozens of stakeholders